Our Projects

Design Review and Supervison of Pemba Intake

Proposed processing plant for sanergy ltd

Proposed brookside dairy ltd extension

Kenyatta University -Law school parklands
Proposed 3 county stadia

Mt. Kenya Holiday Homes-Naru-moro (NANYUKI)

Timau Plaza

Gracia Apartments

Oyster village
Murang’a – Gatugi (D427) Road
Junction C39/C37 – Turbo (C37) Road
Malindi Ring Road and Malindi – Watamu link road
Dar-es-salaam Chancery
Tissue Culture Laboratory
Management Centre
Kibo Breweries
KTDA Training School

Daystar University Faculty Office
Engineering design and supervision of Buoye and Seme Water Pans
Engineering design and supervision of water pans and small dams

Stima Village -Housing Development at Syokimau
Design and Supervision Of Thika Dam (Ndakaini Dam) Remedial Works and safety Measures
Design Review and Supervision of Changamwe Sewer Network
Design Review and Supervision of Watamu Lot 2A Water Distribution works
Thogoto- Gikambura -Mutarakwa (D411) Road

Egerton University -Health Science Building